Getting My Night Vision edition by Nancy Boucher Ezra Boucher Health Fitness Dieting eBooks
Download As PDF : Getting My Night Vision edition by Nancy Boucher Ezra Boucher Health Fitness Dieting eBooks
In 1994 my youngest son had his first psychotic break, one month into his freshman year of college. This book is about our family's journey in learning to see the patterns of his mental illness and shining the light on them. It is a book of hope, practical strategies, compassion, insights and family.
Getting My Night Vision edition by Nancy Boucher Ezra Boucher Health Fitness Dieting eBooks
Getting My Night Vision is for anyone who has had a child, loved a child, taught a child, ached for a child. It is for anyone who has suffered, has been confused, has been alone, and has found faith and hope. Nancy Pizzo-Boucher takes the reader on a painful, emotional, yet healing journey as she learns to help her son who suffers from mental illness. Her style, including poetry and prose, is personal and engaging. The reader, who shares the mother's pain as she searches and finds her way, learns so much and feels so hopeful. Carol WoodhullProduct details
Tags : Getting My Night Vision - Kindle edition by Nancy Boucher, Ezra Boucher. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Getting My Night Vision.,ebook,Nancy Boucher, Ezra Boucher,Getting My Night Vision,nancy pizzo boucher,PSYCHOLOGY Mental Illness
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Getting My Night Vision edition by Nancy Boucher Ezra Boucher Health Fitness Dieting eBooks Reviews
Getting My Nightvision is a loving book about a woman and her family struggling with her son's disease of mental illness. It is important for those in the mental health professions, for families and their friends struggling in the darkness of the disease, and for anyone interested in mental health issues. Ms. Boucher's book is like a braid. One strand acts as an emotional companion for other distraught families. We see a mother dealing, bluntly and honestly, with her inadequacies, loneliness, fears and guilt. We see her groping through the maze of decisions about diagnosis, medication and placement. Another strand is the inside view into the nature of the disease of mental illness. We come to a better understanding of the cognitive, physical, social and behavioral changes that will inevitably occur. The last strand is an insightful and practical "how to" for families searching for guidance. Through journals, poems and letters, we understand the importance of family traditions, the need for clear routines, the necessity to modify speech and the pace of change, and the value of building independence and responsibility. The braid is tied together with beautifully poetic language that is accessible and real. There's no fairy tale ending here; the struggle is intermittent but always present. In the end we have visited a woman who can now see in the darkness, who manages the stress and disruption, and who has hope for the future.
I was contacted by the author and asked if I'd be able to review her book. Generally I decline unsolicited books but hers sounded so intriguing and insightful that I said yes. Nancy Pizzo Boucher is the mother of a son with schizophrenia. In a journal-like format consisting of poems, essays and stream of consciousness, she discusses mental illness and the profound impact it has had on her family. She is very knowledgeable about psychotropic medications, symptoms of mental illness including hallucinations and delusions, and the healthcare system. With love and dignity, she discusses her son's illness and his life. She also discusses her family and the great love she feels for her children. Anyone who loves someone with mental illness should read this book. It is that good. There is also a CD of the book available.
Additionally, the artwork on the cover by her son Ezra is beautiful and adds to the overall presentation.
When someone is diagnosed with a severe mental illness, it doesn’t just impact the individual, but as a family.
“Getting My Night Vision”, by Nancy Pizzo Boucher, is about the author’s son, Clem, who was diagnosed with a serious mental illness. The book is written as a true story, filled with poetry, letters, and lyrics, not only by Nancy, but also by her other son, Erza, and Clem himself.
“The main focus of the book, and in my opinion the most important, is how the family constantly worked as a team to help keep Clem grounded yet while slowly teaching, guiding, and allowing him to become accountable for his own mental wellness and gain his own sense of independence.
“My favourite chapter, which really made me reflect on my own mental illness was “Adjustments” which dealt with the family’s strategies on how best to communicate effectively with Clem.
I received this book as a gift in exchange for an honest review.
An attractive cover by the author's son Ezra sets the tone for this story of a family's struggle to deal with their son's mental illness. The author's honest depiction of the pain and fear that her family goes through in coping with the day-to-day living with this illness gives the reader an insight into the struggles that are faced on a constant basis. Nancy Pizzo Boucher reaches out to the reader to share her most intimate thoughts and feelings through poetry, narrative and letters that helped her hold her family together. I recommend this book to anyone who would like to gain perspective in coping and understanding the process of coming to terms with a loved one diagnosed with a mental illness.
Getting My Night Vision is for anyone who has had a child, loved a child, taught a child, ached for a child. It is for anyone who has suffered, has been confused, has been alone, and has found faith and hope. Nancy Pizzo-Boucher takes the reader on a painful, emotional, yet healing journey as she learns to help her son who suffers from mental illness. Her style, including poetry and prose, is personal and engaging. The reader, who shares the mother's pain as she searches and finds her way, learns so much and feels so hopeful. Carol Woodhull
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