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≡ [PDF] Free Egyptian Gods The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt Egyptian Gods Ancient Egypt eBook Patrick Auerbach

Egyptian Gods The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt Egyptian Gods Ancient Egypt eBook Patrick Auerbach

Download As PDF : Egyptian Gods The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt Egyptian Gods Ancient Egypt eBook Patrick Auerbach

Download PDF  Egyptian Gods The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt Egyptian Gods Ancient Egypt eBook Patrick Auerbach

Worshiped for over three-fifths of recorded history, ancient Egypt's Gods and Goddesses are among the most fascinating of human civilization.

The lives of pharaohs and commoners alike were dominated by the need to honor, worship, and pacify the huge pantheon of deities. From lavish tomb paintings and imposing temple reliefs to humble household shrines, countless tributes throughout Egypt reflect the richness and complexity of their mythology.

This book examines the Egyptian gods and goddesses - from minor household figures such as Bes and Taweret to the all-powerful deities Amun and Rethat made Egypt the most completely theocratic society of the ancient world, and made Egyptians, according to Herodotus, "more religious than any other people."

Ancient Egypt has held humanity in its thrall for over 5000 years. The image of the Great Pyramids of the Valley of the Kings rising ghostlike from the white sands of the Sahara Desert is synonymous with the mysteries of the Ancient World.

Ancient Egypt was remarkably advanced, especially considering its origins date back 30 centuries before the Common Era. From clocks to the 12-month calendar to agriculture and fashion, we continue to experience the echoes of Ancient Egypt in the world we live in today.

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Egyptian Gods The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt Egyptian Gods Ancient Egypt eBook Patrick Auerbach

36 pages. If I had noticed that when I originally purchased this book, I would have known to put reviews that said "Comprehensive" and "Detailed" into proper perspective. This large-ish print 36 page book covers nine Egyptian gods (from the table of contents: Aten, Babi, Banebdjet, Bastet, Hathor, Horus, Isis, Ma'at, and Nepthys) and each god has several paragraphs of information. This is about as informative as a mediocre college undergraduate research paper. It is not comprehensive, nor detailed. It was also not worth $9.99 for the paperback copy I purchased..

Product details

  • File Size 1733 KB
  • Print Length 45 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date November 11, 2015
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B017W44098

Read  Egyptian Gods The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt Egyptian Gods Ancient Egypt eBook Patrick Auerbach

Tags : Egyptian Gods: The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt (Egyptian Gods, Ancient Egypt) - Kindle edition by Patrick Auerbach. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Egyptian Gods: The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt (Egyptian Gods, Ancient Egypt).,ebook,Patrick Auerbach,Egyptian Gods: The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt (Egyptian Gods, Ancient Egypt),HISTORY Ancient Egypt,HISTORY Ancient General
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Egyptian Gods The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt Egyptian Gods Ancient Egypt eBook Patrick Auerbach Reviews

I am really impressed by how much information this book comes with. Since in my childhood I am already very interested to know the different gods and goddesses. By reading this book, I felt like I was brought to the ancient times of Egypt. I really felt like I was beholding the gods and goddesses in front of me. It is concise, with short summary for each god and goddess but still with valuable information. I also love the hieroglyphics included in the book. If you want to know the gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt, then get this book!
I wanted to learn more about the Sun God Ra. I am in school right now and this book gave me more insight on the paper that I am going to write. Great book with some really interesting facts about all the Egyptians Gods.
This book will give you basic information about the main gods and goddesses of Egypt. It is good for a beginner or someone just wanting basic facts. That being said I got it for free using kindle unlimited and I am glad I did because it only took me about 10 minutes to read this book. While it is a good starter book it’s very basic and short.
A very unique story that I am sure everyone will love. What I like about this book is it gives you a very unpredictable plot on how Gods lives. How they fall inlove and how to seek for revenge.
I have always been interested in the ancient worlds and the deities that ruled over them. I agree with the author in that the gods and goddesses brought enlightenment and culture.
It was more than just the major deities, it was about several minor ones as well. I enjoyed that. I learned a lot more than I expected.
The book was a very general one covering the basic gods of Egypt, but not in any particular detail. It didn't look at how the myths connected the gods to the cycles of the universe as the Egyptians did, and was basically a decent, intermediate introduction to the gods. If you want to know more detail, look for Wilkinson's The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt, which is a more scholarly tome.
36 pages. If I had noticed that when I originally purchased this book, I would have known to put reviews that said "Comprehensive" and "Detailed" into proper perspective. This large-ish print 36 page book covers nine Egyptian gods (from the table of contents Aten, Babi, Banebdjet, Bastet, Hathor, Horus, Isis, Ma'at, and Nepthys) and each god has several paragraphs of information. This is about as informative as a mediocre college undergraduate research paper. It is not comprehensive, nor detailed. It was also not worth $9.99 for the paperback copy I purchased..
Ebook PDF  Egyptian Gods The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt Egyptian Gods Ancient Egypt eBook Patrick Auerbach

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